Personalised service with a commitment to quality

Our professional and comprehensive work, heath and safety training courses help to establish safe work environments nationally.
Quick Overview

Duration: 3 hours
Certificate: Yes
Prerequisites: None 

PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation

The course PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation covers the competencies required to implement the emergency response specified in the workplace emergency procedures or specified by a person at a higher level in the emergency control organisation.

People who undertake this course will be working within the command, control and coordinate structure of the emergency control organisation. They are employees who have been delegated responsibility in the workplace as part of an emergency control organisation to participate in the preparation of workplace emergency procedures; alert and report potential workplace emergencies; evaluate the need to evacuate a work area; prepare for an evacuation; and assist people who may require assistance in accordance with workplace emergency procedures.


This course provides participants with the knowledge and skill to effectively fulfil their duties as fire wardens in the event of an emergency by demonstrating competencies as follows:

  • Undertake pre-emergency planning 
  • Take appropriate actions in an emergency
  • Assist with post emergency activities


Assessment will cover the ability to respond to emergency reports, signals and warnings appropriately; to supply clear directions under emergency conditions; to make decisions appropriate to the situation; to keep others appropriately informed; to respond according to the workplace emergency procedures; and to take on a leadership role consistent with the emergency control organisation.

No course pre-requisites.

Clothing: We suggest that you wear comfortable casual clothing. Pants and flat shoes are recommended.

The course has been developed to cover the broad range of emergencies and workplaces as considered in Australian Standard 3745-2010 and applies to employees in the workplace within all industries and in all contexts.

Healthcorp’s course PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation is 3 hours in duration.

Competency based training methods will be assessed through a combination of practical activities, written theoretical questions, observation reports and/or workplace simulation activities. A Statement of Attainment will be issued to successful participants.

Australian Standard AS3745-2010 – Planning for emergencies in facilities – advises that ECO members should attend a skills retention activity at intervals not greater than 6 months.

Once enrolled, Healthcorp will email students a confirmation with course requirements and terms of enrollment.

Health & Safety for Everyone.