Emergency Familiarisation Training (ECO ONLINE ONLY)




Healthcorp’s Online Emergency Familiarisation Training provides participants with the knowledge, skill and confidence to execute protocols safely in an emergency situation. Training, management, execution and evaluation are all vital to successful and timely emergency evacuation procedures. Our Online Emergency Familiarisation Training includes the following e-learning modules: 4.5 hours total*

Warden Training
  • Provides participants with the knowledge and awareness to undertake duties as a warden in the event of an emergency.
  • Provides an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of other ECO members, including the Chief Warden, and how each role relates to one another.

Fire Extinguisher
  • How to respond to a fire emergency, and
  • How to use portable fire equipment, which includes fire extinguishers, fire blankets and hose reels.

* e-Course hours are based on average completion times and should be used as an indication only. Course completion times may vary from student to student.

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